So the journey begins, but to what destination?
I met with my life mentor today, “How are you then?”, “I’m really good, I’m calm… feels weird!!!”
If you would have asked me what I wanted from life 12 months ago I would have told you I wanted the biggest business, the most profit, the biggest salary, the nicest car, amazing holidays, to be able to say “I did it” to the world, to be the best provider/husband/father/son etc. etc. My mindset was focussed on my definition of “success”. But with all this I wasn’t living in the present, I was in no way calm, I wasn’t seeing what was right in front of me, what was important. I would have mood swings, go from zero to loud in an instant, all because I was preoccupied with my “success”, not living in the present. I would find myself bringing my work brain home, rushing the kids’ bath and bedtimes to get back to the office, or to get to the gym so I could get to my “success”. My actions and presence were not positive and were having a negative effect on those around me, who mean the most.
But since I found Art, and the mental benefits I experience from it, my definition of “success” had completely changed. This has driven me to launch this website and project to help raise awareness and support for Derbyshire Mind, to support the amazing service they offer to sufferers of mental health. My definition of “success” now is to leave a positive imprint on everyone I meet and if by sharing my experiences I can help one person then “success” is achieved. If my children flourish and grow knowing that it is okay to not be okay, to be mindful, grateful, present and aware then that is the ultimate “success”.
Don’t get me wrong I want my business to be a financial success, as this makes the path I walk a much more stable path, and is a part of my support network that is allowing me to really explore myself and what I can do in this life. So by changing my definition of “success” my life now has more of a sense of calm and clarity. With this I am able to be more present, to appreciate my loved ones, to be able to deal with life situations differently. I am still prone to having my moments of “red mist” but I am learning to try and see the trigger points, feel the feeling without acting on it.
So my journey has now officially begun, I really have no idea of my final destination, however I do know the path I am on now and I know the next path it leads to. I have seen, felt and experienced my next path already, it is just a matter of time until I walk it; how long I couldn’t tell you, what happens along the way, again, I couldn’t tell you. One thing is for certain I am sure I will experience things along the way that everyone can relate to, so I invite you to join me on my journey.
Oh I meant to say, if you are reading this then you will have already seen my project and the ethos behind it, so thank you for your time and interest, it really is appreciated and I can speak on behalf of Derbyshire Mind when I say thank you for any support you give to this wonderful Charity.
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